Eurovision: home of controversy

The stage-show and aesthetic of Eurovision can be quite overwhelming and sometimes arguably ridiculous. The show is by many seen as silly and trivial, but the entertainment value of it draws people to watch it. What in turn happens is that it sparks thought of what you have just seen. Though, or even because it [...]

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Isn’t Love Island quality TV?

The way we watch TV has changed dramatically over the last few decades. You no longer need an actual TV to watch your favourite shows, there is no need to be home at a certain time to watch the new episode and the concept on interactive watching has really changed the way we relate to [...]

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Reality TV worldwide

How and why do reality TV cross borders? What does this tell us about the modern media environment? Reality TV concepts were born out of American documentary series and entertainment shows such as ‘Candid Camera’ that first appeared on TV in the 1940’s. The concept of being able to peer into real people’s lives sparked [...]

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Instagram and veganism

When I looked through the different weeks, there were several topics that I found to be very interesting. I have a huge interest in politics, so ‘The politician’ instantly stood out to me. As did ‘The planet’ and ‘The animal’ because of my love for animals and growing interest in our environment and how our [...]

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Mapping it out

I chose to observe my friends two afternoons each, but realised that I needed to get their help to fully track their full phone usage related to food. Together we narrowed down their food-activities on their phones down to three: Instagramming food (posting or actively seeking pictures of food), Google (recipes/inspiration) and fit-apps (logging food [...]

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Know before you comment

The online presence of major news organisations allow us to directly communicate with them, and debate ongoing issues in real-time. While it is great to be able to voice your opinion, the content online commentators post is not always appropriate or well informed. Ståle Grut, a journalist who works for NRKbeta came up with an idea [...]

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Sugar Dating

Wealth and beauty are highly valued assets in today’s society, and it often seems like the two goes hand in hand; literally. The dynamic of rich older men contracting young beautiful women into obligations in exchange for financial rewards is not by any means new. However, the apps and sites that now facilitate the concept [...]

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Project pitch: How

Now that I have decided on what I want to focus my project around, I have to think about how I will execute my research. There are two types of research; qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative research is mostly concerned with numbers. How many, how often, how much or little, and is good for getting a [...]

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